Tiger admits to 120 affairs, but its fling with neighbor that sends Elin packing

Publish date: 2024-04-06

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We’ve kind of heard this news already in The National Enquirer’s sister publication, Radar Online, but I like the sensational way that The Enquirer tells this story. They have a real way of spinning the gossip into a four course meal instead giving us a bunch of separate tasty side orders like Radar. According to this week’s Enquirer (with that truly obnoxious cover story about Brad and Angelina’s perfectly normal adorable twins being targeted by gossip online – shame on them for giving the hateful ramblings of Internet trolls so much credence), Tiger confessed to Elin that he had a whopping 120 different affairs during their five year marriage. It was Tiger’s affair with their young 21 year-old neighbor, though, that convinced Elin to file for divorce. Tiger never disclosed that relationship to Elin and the fact that the girl was so young, vulnerable and close to him really convinced her that her husband was a dog with no chance of reforming. Elin called Tiger and chewed him out when she found out about his affair with the neighbor’s daughter, and she did it while he was at dinner with a bunch of colleagues during the Masters. They probably realized that he deserved it, plus a whole lot more.

In an astonishing confession, Tiger Woods has admitted that he cheated with as many as 120 women while married to his wife Elin!

However, while coming clean with his philandering during therapy, he failed to mention the one-night stand he knew would destroy his battered marriage.

The serial womanizer hid from therapists his youngest conquest – number 121… the vulnerable, school-age daughter of an Orlando neighbor, say sources…

And after horrified Elin found out that The Enquirer was breaking the story in early April of his sick fling with then-21-year-old – a young woman he has known since she was 14 – she finally made the decision to sign the divorce papers.

While at the Gentle Path rehab center in Hattiesburg, Miss, early this year, Tiger was required to list the women he had bedded as an essential part of his recover program – but he covered up the shocking truth.

“Tiger didn’t list [the neighbor’s daughter]” disclosed a close source. And after Elin learned about her, she called Tiger and exploded.

“He was having dinner with friend in Augusta after the Masters golf tournament when his phone rang – and it was Elin. She was screaming so loudly that everyone at the table could hear what she was saying.

“‘This is the worst betrayal ever! I can’t believe you had sex with that girl, in our own neighborhood. That’s it – I’m divorcing you!’

“Tiger tried to deny it, but Elin yelled at him, ‘You’re lying! You’re always a liar! You’re a piece of (bleep)!’

“Tiger told her he didn’t have time for this. ‘We’ll talk about it later,’ he said, and hung up. She called back, and he hung up again.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, May 10, 2010]

What’s that they say – “cheaters always lie?” What I wonder is how Tiger was ever able to keep track and why we only found out about something like 15-16 women when there were over a hundred more. That means that of all of Tiger’s mistresses, only about 13% of them tried to cash in and/or get some publicity out of it. How is that possible when he was sleeping with paid professionals and cocktail waitresses? Were there women with integrity scattered among his many random hookups or did he just disperse enough cash to make sure that most of them stayed silent?

The US Weekly print edition is also reporting the news that Elin plans to divorce, which People has sort-of confirmed already. They quote a source who says “the split is 100 percent happening. Elin and her mom have met with the lawyer.” You know, I would love to see Elin’s triumphant story on the cover of People and I hope she tells it someday.

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