Joan Collins in Bathing Suit Says "I Love You" Celebwell

Publish date: 2024-04-27

Dame Joan Collins is one of the most well-known actresses of all time. She's best known for playing Alexis Colby on the hit soap opera, Dynasty. Collins and her husband, Percy Gibson are enjoying Valentine's Day together. She shared a set of highlights of the two of them on Instagram. In one photo, Collins enjoyed a beach day with Gibson. She wore a light blue swimsuit and straw hat. She captioned the post, "Wishing my wonderful husband a happy Valentine's Day. I love you." How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Joan Collins stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!

Collins makes sure to take care of her skin. She revealed some of her tips to Collins says that she uses different products in the day and the night. "When cleansing in the morning, I use my day cream," she says. "And at night, I always thoroughly cleanse to make sure I get every last scrap of make-up off. I follow this by using a balancing toner, and then apply a really good night cream."

Collins makes sure to protect her skin from the sun's UV rays. "I always apply foundation before going outside to protect my skin," she says to Saga. "I keep my face out of the sun, plus of course I use an SPF." She also says that her biggest skincare tip is, "Keep your face out of the sun. I was taught it from a friend and have observed it since."

Collins has her own beauty line. She tells Saga that she decided to create it to help other women learn things to help with skincare. "I have been very fortunate to learn many beauty secrets from so many great make-up artists and celebrities through the years, so I wanted to share my knowledge with other women. I know how confident great make-up makes me feel. Creating the 'Timeless Beauty' range has enabled me to give others that same confidence when wearing make-up."

When it comes to food, Collins doesn't care about what fad is trendy right now. She focuses on eating what she likes. She tells the Daily Mail, "I see these people taking their green juices and their kale and quinoa—that tastes of cut up cardboard. Green tea is disgusting. It is like ink. I will have a big cup of builder's tea, and I have two cups of proper coffee in the morning. I think there is too much of this clean eating."

Collins lives life on her own terms. She tells Hello! Magazine, "You have to eat life or life will eat you. I think you only realize how short life is when you get past 50. Then you think, 'How much time do I have left?' I'm going to take advantage of life and do everything I want to do."
