Whitney Houstons wardrobe malfunction, confusion on X-Factor

Publish date: 2024-04-08

I don’t even know what to say about this mess. I want to believe Whitney Houston is clean and sober and getting her career back together. She’s still got the voice – sort of. She’s still a diva. But if she has a few more disastrous television appearances, people are going to think that she’s still on the pipe.

Here’s what went down: Whitney performed on the British reality television show ‘X Factor’ Saturday night. Everyone is talking about the performance because she had some kind of “wardrobe malfunction”. A little more than two minutes into singing “Million Dollar Bill” the one back strap comes undone (or simply busted) on Whitney’s dress. The strap looked to be hanging on for dear life, because that thing was cinched much too tightly around Whitney’s bust. Anyway, she noticed it a few seconds later, and seems to give a “What the hell?” look to a producer or stage manager. Then she continues singing.

Here’s the thing: even without the “wardrobe malfunction” I’m sure this performance would be disseminated harshly. Whitney is not at her best. She seemed to be missing whole verses, missing cues, and missing her voice during some parts. Plus, the song really isn’t that great. Whitney gets better at the end, though. Maybe I’m being too harsh – but I don’t think it was a good performance.

After the song was over, Whitney told the audience and host Dermot O’Leary “I sang myself out of my clothes.” After that, it kind of went off the rails. O’Leary asks Whitney when her album comes out, and Whitney gave such a convoluted answer, I don’t even know if there will be an album release at all. Whitney says something like “The album? It should release this weekend… this week some time…I’ll be back in April!” O’Leary corrects her gently, saying “The album comes out tomorrow.” Oh, Whitney. Get it together, girl.

Whitney Houston blows kisses to her waiting fans as she leaves Fountain Studios following her X Factor performance
