The Blacklist Recap 05/28/23: Season 10 Episode 14 The Nowhere Bride

Publish date: 2024-04-06

The Blacklist Recap 05/28/23: Season 10 Episode 14 "The Nowhere Bride"

Tonight on NBC their hit drama The Blacklist starring James Spader airs with an all-new time-slow Sunday, May 28, 2023, episode and we have your The Blacklist recap below. On tonight’s The Blacklist Season 10, episode 14 called, “The Nowhere Bride” as per the NBC synopsis,

“The Task Force investigates the whereabouts of a missing newlywed. Red offers his help to a powerful cartel leader while Siya visits a connection from her mother’s past.”

If you are excited to find out what happens tonight make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Blacklist recap between 10 PM – 11 PM ET!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Blacklist recaps, news, and spoilers, right here.

Tonight’s The Blacklist episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode begins with a couple, Okello “Kel” Okoro and Duni, he is cooking dinner for her tonight and tells her that he is guilty that they couldn’t take their honeymoon yet. He asks her to pick up a bottle of red wine on the way home.

She picked up the wine, and arrives home, it is dark, she turns the light on and sees that things are smashed in the apartment, looks like a struggle. Kel is not in the apartment, she calls his cell and the number has been disconnected.

Elsewhere, Reddington is with Siya, he is making morning coffee. He tells her that he is off to a meeting and she should enjoy her coffee. She tells him that she was told to keep an eye on me. He gives her his burner phone, tells her to write down the number and she can call it anytime she wants, and he will answer. She has the cheque he gave her for $2000 and she asks him what does Kathleen Sutton have to do with her mother’s past. He says some stories can’t be told, they have to be discovered.

Cooper is home, he is stressed because the task force is under a high level scrutiny. His wife tells him about a woman who is new to the country, she volunteers with her and her husband vanished from their apartment right in the middle of dinner. He tells her that it is not the kind of case that can help the task force.

Cooper is with the task force and tells them about Duni and Kel, she filed a missing persons report, but nothing yet. He tells them that the case came from Charlene, he is taking it because the task force is hanging by a thread. He got a call from Panabaker last night to inform him that Senator Dorf has been added in the cause against them. Congressman Hudson won’t give up until they are gone. If they are going to be shutdown, he would rather use their resources to find Kel.

Ressler and Dembe speak with Duni, she says she met her husband on a dating app, before they knew it they fell in love. She arrived four weeks ago and they got married right away. She says he has a stable career. Dembe says they checked her husband’s financials, his bank account was emptied the same day he vanished. She says whoever abducted Kel must have known about her parent’s money. The dowry, they transferred it to Kel’s account this week, seventy thousand dollars, it was all they had.

Siya heads over to visit Mrs. Sutton, she tells her she is from the FBI and wants to ask some questions. Siya says she is looking for a woman who was a liaison with her husband. She says closer to his passing, he was reassigned to London, but that period was such a blur. But, she remembers one colleague gave her a business card, Regina Saint, said she could reach out to her if she needed anything. Herbie does some investigating and Regina was Malik’s case officer, she is retired in Florida.

An hour before Duni called 911. Kel was seen on video at a bank emptying the account and he doesn’t look under duress. Ressler says upon further investigation, Kel’s whole identity is fabricated, the marriage certificate is fake and he is a conman and they think he is a part of a bigger organization.

Dembe goes back to see Duni and tells her that Kel was a fake. A lot of the things in her apartment has the price tags still on them, the place was staged, like her marriage. Herbie pulled a clean print from the toilet. Ressler tells him to run the print.

Red is at a restaurant with a man who was sent instead of Santoro and Red is not pleased. Red tells him that getting the contract is just the first step, if Santoro wants to milk this he will need to make and maintain the right connections, line the right pockets, it’s overwhelming and lucky for Santoro, Red is there to offer his services. They already have a full compliment of partners. Red tells him to see himself out. Red calls Secretary Kyle’s office.

Ressler and Dembe go to see a parole officer, turns out that Kel is a parole. The guy gives them an address, he did an apartment check a week ago, it is a different address than the one he shared with his wife.

Ressler and Dembe leave the parole office and a woman, Jemma Parikh, walks in after them, she is the same woman that is mixed up with the scam Kel is into.

Red is in his private jet with Secretary Edward Kyles. He tells him that he is running into a problem with contract that is about to go to Santoro, who also has ties with crime syndicates, one in particular is a drug cartel and he needs his help.

Jemma calls Kelly and tells him about the FBI, she says he is burned and he has put them both at risk. She tells him to go to his apartment and get rid of anything that is connected to her, and disappear.

Ressler and Dembe walk up to Kel’s building, he is packing his car. They get in a foot race, but it doesn’t take long for Ressler and Dembe to catch him.

Jemma calls another man, Aang Chen and tells him they are moving up the timeline, he needs to get Met’s dowry today. She tells him that one of the husbands is made, and she is shutting down the operation for a while. Chen says he can’t steal from Men, he loves her. He tells her not to call again and hangs up on her.

Jemma goes to see Men at a restaurant, she tells him a story about her husband Aang being in a car accident and offers to drive her to the hospital.

Red is in the air, he calls Siya and she says she has a lead on her mother’s case officer.

Hey calls Aang, Jemma grabs the phone and tells him that she is the one in control. If he does’t bring her the dowry in the next 24 hours, he will never see her again.

The next morning, Santoro’s man calls Red and tells him the contract is delayed, Mr. Santoro would now like a face to face. Red tells Siya they need to go to Cuba, then they will go to Florida to see the case officer.

Kel is in custody, he gives up Jemma, that is where they met. She knew he was looking for a job and got him involved in the con. She looks for ethnic types, creates an ID for them, then uses their profile to fish online to countries where family’s still give dowries. She would take 70%. She is a pro, she keeps all the husbands separate. He wants to help them but he doesn’t know anymore. Jemma is an officer manager for the parole commission. Cooper suspects that Jemma has been running this International fraud ring for years. Herbie has a lead, he found a BMW leased to the same false ID as Kel, and he has the location, it is at a bank right now, parked outside.

Ressler and Dembe show up at the bank, Aang is about to get out of the BMW, they confront him and he says if he doesn’t get the money to Jemma, the woman he works for, she will kill his wife.

Siya and Red are in Cuba, he tells her to stand by him and look tough, like she shot a man in Reno and let him die. Santoro walks in, Weecha is in the background. He tells him that he screwed him over in Florida. Red tells Santoro that he played in his sandbox without letting him make sandcastles with him. Red says he is giving him one last chance for the offer of his services, Red gives him a few minutes. Red goes over to speak with Weecha, he tells her she looks the same, he wishes she would come back, he is getting to old to search the jungle for her. She says she knows why he is there, he says he misses her. She leans in for a kiss, then says she misses him to but has to get back to work. Santoro returns to the room and says he looks forward to working with him.

Siya is at the case officer’s house, she says she didn’t work with her mother long and is sorry to hear about her passing. She remembers her last case, she had no responsibility into Nigel’s death, he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Her mother took it hard.

Dang shows up with the money, Jemma says she is glad he came to his senses. A man walks in the room with Men, he has a gun on her. Jemma checks the bag, the money is there. They guy throws Mey over to Hang and door bursts open, its the task force and they arrest Jemma.

Jemma is in custody. Dembe says they found a criminal complaint she filed in her 20’s, after she arrives in the US from India to marry an American, but he disappeared after her parents paid the dowry. She says in her country, she is a nowhere bride. When her husband vanished he had nothing, her family was ashamed, she couldn’t go home. He tells her that she preyed on those brides, she is no better than the man who stole from her.

Cooper tells Duni that by catching Jemma they were able to get her dowry back.

Red and Siya are in the plane, she says that Nigel and her mother were working together, he was killed on a case and her mother was investigating. She begs him to tell her what he knows.

Kolkata, in 1997, her mother was a young intelligent officer working an operation in one of the deepest darkest holes humanity has to offer. Guns, drugs, and sexual slavery. One night she met the head of a trafficking ring in Beau Bazaar. A red-light district that is said to employ almost 12,00 prostitutes.

While Meera was trying to work the asset, she noticed a crying baby alone in the corner. At that moment, members of a rival gang came in and the place turned into a free for all. As the chaos ensued ensued around her, Meera suddenly scooped up that baby girl and ran. She ran all the way to London and never let go. He has no idea who her parents were, she was abandoned.

Meera fabricated her birth and adoption, Nigel knew it and used the information against Meera, extorting her and putting Siya in danger. Meera wasn’t going to let anything happen to her child. She didn’t kill him, but she didn’t participate, she let him die. She gave Siya a chance in life. She thanks him.

