NCIS: Los Angeles Finale Recap An Unexpected Bang: Season 8 Episode 24 Unleashed

Publish date: 2024-03-27

NCIS: Los Angeles Finale Recap 5/14/17: Season 8 Episode 24 "Unleashed"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: Los Angeles returns with an all new Sunday, May 14, 2017, season 8 episode 24 called, “Unleashed” and we have your weekly NCIS: Los Angeles recap below. On tonight’s NCIS Los Angeles episode, as per the CBS synopsis, “Season 8 ends with Sam (Chris O’Donnell) going rogue from the NCIS team in an attempt to stop Tahir Khaled (Anslem Richardson) from targeting his family again. ”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM ET for our NCIS Los Angeles recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS: Los Angeles recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS Los Angeles Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

NCIS: Los Angeles Recap: Sam had done everything that they asked. He had told his bosses that his wife had been kidnapped and that the kidnappers were only willing to let his wife go in exchange for Tahir Khaled’d release. However, that wasn’t enough for the terrorists. They still killed Sam’s wife even as they got Tahir back.

So Michelle had been murdered out of spite and the only thing that Sam could think about afterwards was revenge. He had wanted to kill Tahir as well as everyone that had a part in his wife’s murder and he was willing to go off the books to get the job done yet Callen wasn’t going to let his partner enter into something by himself.

Callen had followed Sam from the crime scene and he had even gone with Sam to a mosque. Yet, Callen hadn’t been able to enter because he wasn’t of the faith so he let Sam go in believing Sam would eventually come back out, but Sam had pulled one over him. Sam had used the mosque as a way to escape and had asked the imam to hand over his badge to Callen.

Which told his partner one thing. It said that Sam didn’t want to follow any rules of engagement as his hunted down Tahir. So Callen had tried to find Sam before he did something stupid except Eric couldn’t trace their guy and neither of them knew where he would be heading.

But what they did know was that he had every reason to be upset. His wife had been murdered and later her body had been stolen off the transportation truck. So Tahir was practically daring Sam to come after him and Sam was going to do so though he was smart enough to bring along back up. Sam had gone to an old friend who he knew didn’t have a problem with working outside of the law and therefore he wasn’t acting as the lone wolf as Callen feared.

He just didn’t want to bring his partner much less his unit down with him and Callen did realize that in time. He simply was upset that Sam didn’t take him only he was relieved when Sam hadn’t been with them to see the pictures.

Tahir had left behind some pictures of Michelle being tortured because he had wanted to hurt Sam even more however Sam hadn’t been with his team when they followed the bread crumbs that Tahir had given them. Though Callen did get shot in bullet proof vest for good measure. So the team quickly came to the conclusion that Tahir wasn’t hiding or even trying to flee the country.

He wanted a fight just as much as Sam did and he was doing everything he could to prod the other man. Tahir had actually called a cell phone he left at the crime scene hoping he could speak to Sam and instead he got Deeks. And his threats didn’t work with Deeks.

Deeks had tried to prod Tahir and do everything possible to keep Tahir on the line in order for Eric to trace the call. However, Tahir eventually gave up playing around with Deeks and said Sam better speak with him or he would send Michelle’s body back piece by piece. So it became imperative to find Sam before he made a bad situation even worse yet, despite their resources, they couldn’t find him and so they came up with the idea to fake his voice.

They used his voicemail messages to create responses to Tahir and they got Tahir to set up location where he could supposedly meet with Sam. So they tracked down Sam by figuring out who he would turn to and who could help.

They knew that Sam had gone to some known criminal affiliates and that he had been with Sabatino. Yet, Sam had ditched Sabatino because he didn’t want him to get hurt either. So the team came across Sam and he had was going to shoot his way into a meeting with Tahir, but they warned him that they had an easier way and that they could help him.

So it took Sam a while before he agreed to take their able only he got there and he was willing to go along with their plan. They had told him that Tahir wanted to meet him alone and that they could be placed all around in places where they could keep a watch on him as he got Tahir.

But the plan fell apart because none of them suspected that Tahir would take a bus load of tourist as hostages. He had apparently taken over one of those tour buses that everyone was just so excited to get on though he and his men had been waiting for them with guns. So Sam was forced to get on the bus and he had tried to reason with Tahir to let the others go except Tahir didn’t care about them.

He was the sort of the man that he would kill his own sister because he knew it would hurt Sam more than him. And so it turned out to be a good thing that Sam’s team was there to back him up because they were able to stop the car.

They caused a diversion in the road which forced the driver to leave the vehicle and that gave them the opportunity to take her down. Though Callen was fast enough to get to the other two guards without anyone getting hurt. So then it became just Sam and Tahir.

Both men knew how to handle themselves and it could have been a fair fight only Tahir had a suicide vest and Sam wasn’t willing to let Tahir have the last word. And therefore Callen shot off the handcuffs that were tying Sam to Tahir and the agents jumped off that bus with moments to spare.

And thankfully they were eventually able to find Michelle’s body still in tact yet the whole ordeal made Kensi realize that she wanted to be with Deeks forever and so she proposed to him because it was 2017 after all.

