Ireland Baldwin: If you are an anxiety sufferer, coffee isnt your friend

Publish date: 2024-04-10

Ireland Baldwin suffers from anxiety. She’s been open with her struggles with it since it was reported that she entered rehab for emotional trauma at the age of 19. Lately, Ireland has really been giving her fans a snapshot of what it’s like to live with anxiety. A few months ago, she posted some photos of herself holding a blood pressure monitor. The reason was to tell those reading that when she’s in the throes of an anxiety attack, she’s terrified of having a heart attack, which is known as cardiophobia. So she uses the machine to monitor her blood pressure and it helps soothe her. She also admitted she doesn’t take medication and listed some of the triggers for her anxiety. Many of those commenting were grateful for Ireland openly discussing cardiophobia and the suggestion of a bp monitor to help them manage during an attack.

On Sunday, Ireland was back on IG with another unfortunate anxiety tip. This one was a warning about coffee. She posted two photos of herself on her bathroom floor and told her readers that a cup of coffee on an empty stomach had triggered an anxiety attack and she was now unable to leave the bathroom.

Ireland Baldwin is once again getting candid about her mental health after suffering from an anxiety attack.

On Saturday, the 26-year-old model shared photos of herself sitting on the bathroom floor to Instagram as she tried to calm herself down.

“It’s ✨anxiety attack time✨,” she began her post. “This morning I had one cup of coffee on an empty stomach which turned into an anxiety attack! I am currently writing this from the bathroom floor.”

“I usually sit here like this or lay in fetal position until I can’t cry or throw up anymore. Coffee is [a] major esophageal irritator and reflux trigger for me which leads to anxiety. If you are an anxiety sufferer like myself, coffee isn’t your friend,” Baldwin continued.

She then confessed to being “a silly goose” by drinking the beverage before encouraging her fans to open up if they have endured similar issues. “Writing this and being open with y’all about my struggles helps it pass. If coffee makes you s— your pants and makes you experience this, please share below,” Baldwin wrote.

Ireland has always been open about her panic disorder. In 2015, she revealed she suffered from anxiety and has “relearned what it truly means and what it feels like to be truly present.”

[From People]

I don’t suffer from anxiety and I had no idea coffee triggered attacks. I’m glad I know this now, maybe I can help someone in my orbit someday. A lot of the people replying left helpful suggestions. Brittany Furlan Lee suggested icing her chest if she could. Another person said adding fat to coffee like cream or full fat milk helps the coffee from triggering an attack. A couple of people suggested magnesium and iron. And others said decaf is the only way to go. The point is, it generated a good discussion and probably shared many tips others didn’t know. I can’t give an anxiety story, but I once showed up at a client’s office just after a migraine had come on. She’d suffered from them for years but she didn’t have any medication on her. I told her to eat an apple or drink a Coke so she could get to the nearest drugstore. She’d never heard about an apple or caffeine helping a migraine – even though over the counter meds are caffeine pills. Ireland is helping people share information and these discussions are a great way to help others out.

Oh, and Ireland’s dad, Alec Baldwin, replied with a simple, “I love you.” I don’t know if it helped her out of the anxiety attack, but I bet it made her feel better.

Photo credit: Instagram
