Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler in epic fight over pedophile

Publish date: 2024-04-27


Who are the worst celebrity parents in the world? There’s a long list to pull from, but I’d say the constant drama surrounding Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler puts them right near the top. The constantly feuding ex-couple will say and do just about anything to each other. Then a few weeks later they’re photographed all over each other at a club. This is the epitome of a love/hate relationship. Though they both have volatile tempers, I think the general consensus is that Travis is the better parent. Certainly that was the impression given on their old reality show “Meet the Barkers.”

Travis and Shanna have been talking some major smack about each other on their Twitters. Because heaven forbid you’re a celebrity and don’t tweet the intimate details of your messed up relationships. First, TMZ’s account of what went down between Travis and Shanna – all regarding a pedophile.

Finally some clarity about Monday’s epic battle between Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler — cops have released the dramatic report from the incident that centered around a convicted child molester.

According to the Barrington Police, the drama began when Travis went to Shanna’s Rhode Island home to drop off their two kids. When Travis noticed a car belonging to a convicted child molester near the home, he got into an argument with Shanna — and she called the cops.

When police arrived, Travis told police he didn’t “want to leave the kids in the residence with a pedophile and wanted a certified nanny with the kids.”

Cops read the court order explaining the custody agreement between the couple, which stated that the man who owned the car was not allowed near the kids. But when they checked Moakler’s home and discovered he was not there, Barker agreed to leave as long as he was given the names and numbers of the two nannies staying with the kids.

After the deal was made, cops say Shanna asked about how to get a restraining order. It doesn’t say who she was trying to restrain, but after Travis posted a message on his Twitter page calling his wife a piece of … well, another word for excrement … you could probably figure it out.

[From TMZ]

When I read the first part of this story I thought the child molester was someone who lived in the neighborhood and was known to people (thus why Travis recognized his car). But then I realized this is obviously a guy Shanna knows in some way, because he’s mentioned in their divorce papers. He’s been some sort of issue in the past. And yeah the cops didn’t actually find the man in the home, but there was enough reason to believe it was possible that they searched for him. It seems like Shanna is in some way keeping company with a pedophile. She has two little children – son Landon, 5, and daughter Alabama, 3. I cannot even imagine what’s going through her mind. Obviously I’m filling in a few holes with suppositions, but they seem reasonable.

Of course both Shanna and Travis took to their Twitters to share cryptic sentences about what went down. Here’s what Travis had to say:

Rhode Island police are cool as hell, thanks for keeping child molesters away. On my way to NYC.
3:56 PM Aug 24th – Would u leave your kids at a house where a child molesters(Rick Sinnott) car was present? Me neither. The REAL reason the cops were involved yesterday. So lame bloggers step your game up with the facts.
9:45 AM Aug 25th

Figured I’d clear up the rumors that surfaced from that lame website ran by that guy/girl/creature/coward that got socked up not 2 long ago.
9:55 AM Aug 25th

[From Travis Barker’s Twitter]

Travis obviously deleted the comment directly about Shanna, which said “My babies mama is a pile of [sh*t].” Maybe he came to his senses on his own and decided not to talk smack about the mother of his children, at least for his kids’ sake. But he’s still understandably riled up about the child molester, who he names in his Twitter as Rick Sinnott. He also posted a picture of Sinnott’s license plate. Looking the guy up, there’s a “moose whisperer” by the same name who appears to dominate most of the web chatter. I’m assuming it’s not the same guy.

Shanna didn’t directly address the incident via her Twitter, though she may have made a Ghandi-based jab (or “Gandh,” as she spelled it) at Barker:

my babies are on their way to me NOW! I haven’t seen them for 4 weeks! I am SOOOO excited!
1:05 PM Aug 24th from web

Sitting on the deck with my family watching my babies play…so amazing!
5:00 PM Aug 24th from Sidekick

“A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.” -Mahatma Gandh
about 14 hours ago from web

[From Shanna Moakler’s Twitter]

I feel like I need to phrase all this very carefully because no one has out-and-out said “Shanna Moakler had a pedophile in her home as her kids were arriving.” And I can’t imagine many things worse to accuse someone of. It seems like when you put the pieces together, that’s what went down, but everything is circumstantial. I can’t imagine what she was possibly thinking or what kind of explanation she could give, which is probably why she hasn’t addressed it in any way. She’s not exactly known for taking the high road either. Travis was the one who got in a little trouble (being “warned” by the police), but it seems like Shanna’s the one who did something reprehensible.

Here’s Travis with his kids at the Premiere of ‘Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen’ in Los Angeles on June 22nd. Header of Travis and Shanna from 2007. Images thanks to .
