Robert Downey Jr. & Don Cheadle first to sign on for Avengers

Publish date: 2024-03-25

Terrence Howard is kicking himself so hard right now. By allegedly demanding more money to reprise his role as Jim Rhodes in Iron Man 2, he threw away not just a sequel, but a franchise. Don Cheadle, the actor chosen to replace Howard as Rhodes, and Robert Downey Jr. have been the first of a large superhero cast to sign on for Avengers. Jon Favreau, of course, will be back, too.

The men in (and behind) “Iron Man” will be sticking together for more than just the anticipated sequel. Marvel Studios has officially announced that Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle and Jon Favreau will be teaming up for not only “Iron Man 2,” but also the company’s much-anticipated superhero battle royale “The Avengers.”

Downey will reprise his role as Tony Stark in “Iron Man 2” and again in “The Avengers,” while Cheadle will pick up the part of James “Rhodey” Rhodes previously played by Terrence Howard in “Iron Man.” The latter announcement confirms earlier reports regarding Cheadle’s replacement of Howard, with the additional note that Cheadle will play the character in both “The Avengers” and subsequent “Iron Man” films.

Marvel also confirmed that Favreau will not only return to the director’s chair for “Iron Man 2,” but will also serve as executive producer for “The Avengers.”

[From MTV Movie News]

No one is giving out any clues into what’s going on in the movies leading up to Avengers. Favreau has hinted at Samuel L. Jackson returning in Iron Man 2 and a 2010 opening for Iron Man 2 and Thor, leading up to the 2011 release date for Captain American and Avengers. Edward Norton was The Incredible Hulk, but things didn’t end well between Norton and the studio. There has been no word on whether he would come back for Avengers, or if the Hulk will actually be hero or villain.

There’s been some disagreement on the choice of Don Cheadle for the role of Jim Rhodes, who will become War Machine, because he’s always been a more understated, less superhero type actor. But I propose that maybe that’s because he’s not been put in such a role before. I look forward to seeing what Cheadle can do with the character. And if he fails, we’ve seen how easily replaceable the part can be.

Here is Robert Downey, Jr. jumping from a window on the set of Sherlock Holmes on 10/29/08. Credit: Bauergriffinonline. Don Cheadle is shown with his girlfriend, Bridgid Coulter, and their daughters Ayana Tai Cheadle and Imani Cheadle in Hawaii on 8/9/08. Credit: Fame
