Prince Harry was called oversensitive when he complained about racism?

Publish date: 2024-04-03

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Christopher Andersen is still promoting his book Brothers and Wives: Inside the Private Lives of William, Kate, Harry, and Meghan., and his promotion is (right now) solely in the American media. This is an American “journalist,” writing about British royals for American audiences, at least that’s how it looks. Andersen continues to insist that his sources have repeatedly told him that Prince Charles innocently asked Camilla about what Prince Harry and Meghan’s children would look like. Andersen insists that Charles meant nothing by it, but the “courtiers” twisted it into a racist thing and Harry heard about it from his own palace sources or something. I believe that Andersen believes his sources. But no, I do not believe his version of events. Still, Andersen keeps talking about this sh-t.

Ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle alleged that a member of his family made a comment about their future children’s skin color, royal enthusiasts have been searching for answers. In a new interview with Us Weekly, author Christopher Andersen offers insight into the scandal — including Prince Charles and Prince William’s alleged roles in the controversy.

“I was able to trace this back to a comment that was made by Prince Charles to [Duchess] Camilla on the day that the announcement of Harry and Meghan’s engagement was made,” the Brothers and Wives: Inside the Private Lives of William, Kate, Harry, and Meghan author tells Us. “And what he did was casually turn to her like any grandparent to be would do and say, ‘I wonder what their children will look like, hair color, eye, color, complexion.’ … He did it fondly, but the problem is it was taken misconstrued, contorted over a period of time by the bureaucrats and the palace — the people who [Princess] Diana used to call the men in gray — and they really weaponized that and turned it into something that was quite nasty by the time it reached Harry’s ear.”

When Harry, 37, confronted his father, 73, and his brother, 39, about the alleged remark, they allegedly told him he was “oversensitive” and “overreacting,” according to Andersen.

“That complicated what was already a very complicated situation,” he says. After Andersen’s book made headlines earlier this month, Prince Charles referred to the story as “fiction” and “not worth further comment” in a statement to Us.

“I wish the palace would take care to read what the book actually said,” Andersen argued to Us. “The real fiction here is the denial. This is what the palace always does. There’s a knee-jerk reaction is to say, ‘None of it’s true.’ … In this particular case, clearly, they haven’t read the book because if they did, they’d see that, in a sense, it sort of softens the image of the royal family in terms of race.”

[From Us Weekly]

“…In a sense, it sort of softens the image of the royal family in terms of race…” Yeah, that’s Andersen telling his palace bros “look, I’m trying to help you guys out, I don’t think you’re racist!” Anyway, this is all so moot and such a distraction. Harry and Meghan clearly KNOW that they were victims of racism and racial microaggressions within the family and within the palaces. Harry and Meghan told their story to Oprah, and maybe at some point they’ll be comfortable with talking about it further. Andersen keeps trying to talk over Harry and Meghan’s lived experience with his bullsh-t “sources,” insisting that this was all a misunderstanding and only one royal person made one innocent comment. The only thing I believe here is that William and Charles both tried to gaslight Harry about what he knew was inappropriate, racist and disgusting. “You’re just overreacting” and “stop being so sensitive” and “I didn’t say that.”

Royals at Wimbledon 2018 Men's Semi Final

Britain's Prince William and Prince Harry arrive to visit the Support4Grenfell Community Hub in London

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.
