Kate Hudson isnt eating with her family now: I cant hear anybody chew anymore

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Kate Hudson was on Katie Couric’s Instagram live on Friday afternoon, which Katie put in full on her regular Instagram. I wish more celebrities would post their Instagram live interviews afterwards, because I feel like I’m missing a lot. You can see the interview below. They opened by talking about Kate homeschooling her two kids. She said it was challenging figuring out how her kids learn. Apparently Kate has a vodka brand, which is the first I’m hearing about it. She said she drinks vodka because it doesn’t give her hangovers like other liquor. The interview was conducted around 2 in the afternoon and Kate and Katie made martinis and were day drinking. Katie got a bit tipsy and forgot her train of thought a couple times. My favorite part was when Kate talked about the fact that women are expected to do all the work around the house and that societal expectations for mothers and fathers should be more equal.

On not being able to visit her mom
I miss holding my mom. We snuggle and I haven’t been able to do that in so many weeks.

On having to let Fabletics employees go
[She said earlier they employ 600 people, but she talked around this and did not give specifics] I’ve talked to a lot of people that we’ve had to put in that position and my only hope is that we can get things moving safely in a way so we can bring a lot of those people back.

Why she’s not eating dinner with her family
I can’t hear anybody chew anymore. The sound of the food eating is – do you remember War of The Roses? She says ‘the way you eat makes me wanna smash your face.’ Internally that is exactly what I’m feeling.

Women are expected to do everything on our own
This idea that, especially as women, that we’re supposed to do everything on our own, that we’re supposed to raise children on our own. We aren’t meant to do this ourselves as women. As a tribe, we would assist each other in helping to raise our children. We could never do it alone. I’m thinking about that now. There’s no outlet, there’s no school to give the relief. There’s no friendships… [to help now].

My big policy change that I want in America is equal maternity and paternity leaves. I don’t know why my husband can’t choose to take those three months and let me work… in a corporate situation.

Katie brought up the importance of teachers
It’s devastatingly terrible how we don’t take care of teacher’s salaries.

On what her mom taught her about positivity
A positive outlook [doesn’t come] from pretending that life is happy all the time. [My mom taught me that] we have a very complex special muscle that we can control and that is our brain. She allowed us to understand that [happiness] is a discipline. We have the ability to make choices that can either help up to see the silver lining or not.

When you live in gratitude, you attack your day different. I want to choose happiness or at least a joyful day today.

[From Katie Couric’s Instagram live]

This was a great interview! I got a lot out of it and felt like I knew Kate and Katie a little better. Kate got super philosophical the more she drank. Plus Katie was kind of drunk and that was fun to watch.

I totally understand what Kate is saying about not wanting to eat with her family. I have a condition called misophonia where I absolutely hate to hear people chew. I’ve had it for years though. Background noise and music help, and I have/had favorite restaurants because of this. The more background noise the better. When I eat at home with my son I just make sure the TV or music is playing in the background.

Here’s that interview! Ryder comes in at around 16:30. He said homeschooling is great because he has the best grades that he’s ever had. Kate looks so proud of him! Kate’s other son, Bing, comes in at 18:30 and again at 31:30. I think her assistant or a nanny is there too because you can hear her talking to a woman off screen at one point.
