In Touch: LeAnn Rimes wont get pregnant because Eddie loves petite girls

Publish date: 2024-04-06

In that LeAnn Rimes story I wrote a few days ago, I mentioned that some random psychic had predicted that 2012 was the year that LeAnn Rimes would get pregnant. I said I kind of hoped it would happen, just because it would give LeAnn something to DO, you know? Something to obsess over, something to discuss endlessly. Yes, I’m being selfish – it would be great gossip news, and it would end up being a big story.

But! In Touch Weekly has an interesting story this week about LeAnn’s mixed emotions at the prospect of getting preggo. According to their sources, she’d really like a baby, but she doesn’t want to give up her tiny little body. It gets even sadder – LeAnn believes that Eddie would stop having sex with her if she was knocked up, because he would be so turned off by her pregnancy “bloat”:

As LeAnn Rimes’ one-year wedding anniversary with husband Eddie Cibrian approaches, she is eager to give him the best gift ever – a baby. In fact, LeAnn wants to have a child with Eddie – who has two sons, Mason and Jake, with ex-wife Brandi Glanville – more than anything in the world.

But LeAnn is already struggling to overcome a major roadblack: “She doesn’t want to gain the weight!” a source reveals to In Touch. The reason? A size 0, LeAnn is afraid that when she gets pregnant, Eddie will be turned off be her bloated body. In fact, says the source, LeAnn heard that Eddie stopped having sex with Brandi when she was expecting both Mason and Jake.

“Eddie loves petite girls – the thinner the better,” says the source. But LeAnn knows she won’t be able to maintain her skeletal figure while pregnant. “She fears that Eddie will stray or stop having sex with her if she gains any baby weight.”

Now, she’s having second thoughts, the source says, “LeAnn is truly torn over this.” In fact, she’s so desperate to come up with a solution, she’s even looking using a surrogate mother, the source says.

The dilemma is driving her crazy, and friends think she is making a huge mistake by putting her looks before her desire to start a family.

“Everyone knows how hard LeAnn worked for her body,” says the source. “But it would be really selfish and a shame if she lets that prevent her from becoming a mom.”

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

Ah, such mixed emotions. Whatever will she choose? Have a baby with her husband and finally graduate from “overly attentive, hyper-narcissistic bonus mom” to “actual mom” OR will she choose to keep her husband’s wandering eye firmly placed on her bones? How sad is it that one of the “reasons” LeAnn doesn’t want to get pregnant is because she thinks/knows Eddie will cheat on her? Congrats, In Touch. You just made me pity LeAnn Rimes.

Photos courtesy of Fame, PCN.
