Christina Aguileras drunk ass fell on stage at the Grammys

Publish date: 2024-03-30


Christina Aguilera spent the last week being soundly criticized for flubbing the lyrics to the National Anthem at the SuperBowl. The whole incident created a national conversation: should Christina use a Teleprompter at all times? Should her drunk ass go to rehab? Should she fire all of her management for suggesting that she’s a hot mess? Should Christina be uninvited from the Grammys? Well, Xtina didn’t cancel, and she performed at last night’s Grammys, during the tribute to Aretha Franklin. First off: she didn’t flub any of the lyrics, although many are suggesting that she had some miscues and was “unintelligible” – meaning that maybe she didn’t get the lyrics right, but no one could tell because she was drunk. Victory! Second: she did try to “out-sing” all of the other women. Tacky. Third: Her drunk ass fell right after the song was done. Oh, Christina. Apparently, you can see her falling around the 29 second mark of this video:

You can see her fall a little bit better on this video:

Ugh. Do you think two critically lampooned performances in one week’s time will be enough of a wakeup call for Christina? Probably not. She’s probably on her 20th tequlia shot as we speak.

Photo courtesy of Fame.
