My 600-lb Life Recap 01/26/22: Season 10 Episode 13 Larrys Journey

Publish date: 2024-03-14

My 600-lb Life Recap 01/26/22: Season 10 Episode 13 "Larry's Journey"

Tonight on TLC their fan-favorite series My 600-lb Life airs with an all-new Wednesday, January 26, 2022, Season 10 Episode 13 and we have your My 600-lb Life recap below. On tonight’s My 600-lb Life season, 10 episodes 13 called “Larry’s Journey,” as per the TLC synopsis, “For Larry, a second weight loss surgery would mean a second chance at a career as a gospel recording artist. But a beautiful singing voice doesn’t pair well with a 600-pound eating habit. If Larry can’t make the choice to change, then no one can help him.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our My 600-lb Life recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonights My 600-lb Life episode, Larry Myers was forty-five at the start of his weight loss journey. His weight was unknown. He was struggling with breathing problems as well as depression and asthma. Larry lived by himself. He has a caretaker named Lawrence who helps him. He needed Lawrence to get him up in the morning. To help get food. Larry struggles with caring for himself. He has a sharp pain running up his leg whenever he stands and that’s why he can only stand four minutes at a time. He couldn’t do anything longer than that because he also has contusions on his legs that makes one of them significantly larger than the other.

Larry had an easy childhood at first. He was the spoiled one out of the four kids and his mother would always give him what he wanted. But things shifted when he started school. His dyslexia became a problem. He was also the “fat” kid at school. He was bullied for it and it didn’t stop until Larry found his true talent. He was a singer. He has a great voice. He was even singing on albums and so that changed how his fellow students viewed him. Larry’s life went through a high point after his nephew was born. His nephew was named Larry after him and Larry’s father. And the baby never reached boyhood because his mother accidentally smothered him while high on drugs.

Larry was traumatized by his nephew’s death. It wasn’t long after that, that his sister passed away and their mother soon followed her. The whole family was rocked by the mother’s death. Larry especially. He had never seen his father fall down crying before then. He tried to be strong for his father, but he was already past six hundred pounds and he had taken a nasty fall following the funeral. They had to call for an ambulance to check him over. Larry tried losing weight after that because almost dying was his wakeup call and so he lost enough weight to qualify for a gastric sleeve. And he was able to leave his nursing home after losing a significant amount of weight.

But then he came home. He began gaining weight again because by then he was in full control of what he ate and he chose to eat all the wrong things. He still does. Larry stretched out his stomach. He gained back all the weight and then some. He was eating at least three thousand calories every day when he thought about seeing Dr. Now to get weight loss surgery again. Larry now knows he eats to fill a void. He claims he wants to change it and that’s why he traveled from Harlem in New York all the way down to Houston, Texas. He had one of his friends drive him. They had to make several stops on their way there. And Larry naturally spent most of it eating.

Larry arrived in Houston in incredibly pain. The doctor was also worried about blood clots and so he asked Larry to meet him at the hospital. To go straight to the hospital once he got to Houston. Larry did so and there he met Dr. Now. The doctor got his whole history. He found out the most Larry has ever weighed has been at over nine hundred pounds. He had bed-bound at the time. He never wants to go back there again. He told Dr. Now as much. He was also asked why he was putting on the weight and Larry admitted he has a problem with food. Larry is willing to fess up to his problems.

Larry was even willing to move to fix his problems. He was prepared to give his house and to leave his family in order to live closer to Dr. Now. Only the doctor mentioned something very important. He said Larry has been here at this stage once before and he had an operation. He was the one that ruined his chances of a longer life by overeating. There was nothing that the doctor could do to fix the eating. That was on Larry. Larry was the one who had to get his own head right. Larry doesn’t want to hear that because he wants to believe a second surgery would abruptly cure him of everything and that’s not true. And that will not be happening because Larry will be Larry.

He has to qualify for surgery first. Something he couldn’t do at first because he was still overeating. Larry also tried staying with a cousin and his cousin didn’t want him around. She didn’t want that burden. Larry therefore had to find a place on his own. Something he wasn’t prepared to do. Larry also continued his eating habits and at his next appointment with Dr. Now he weighed six-thirty-nine. He had lost nine pounds since leaving the hospital. He was disappointed and so was Dr. Now. The doctor had been convinced that Larry would change his ways because he doesn’t want to die. He truly thought Larry would change his ways and unfortunately not a single thing has changed.

Larry was still doing Larry. He ended up going back to NYC after failing to find a place in Houston. Him back at home helped some of his worries about who would take care of him and it failed to help lose as much weight as he should. He still lost weight. Just not enough. Larry’s weight at the next appointment was six-oh-two. He didn’t qualify for surgery and Dr. Now still thought he was overeating. Larry said that he had stopped snacking. He also cut down his portions. He doesn’t know how much protein he should eat and by that he meant he was still overeating on protein. And he was still looking for places in Houston.

Larry was back in NYC before you know it. He was waiting for a place to become available down there and as he was waiting he fell back into old habits. Ones that his enabler of a home attendant helping him to achieve. Larry got weighed locally. He came in five-eighty-six and so Dr. Now told him that he was still overeating. He was still doing things he wasn’t supposed to do. The doctor could only do so much. The rest has to be done by Larry and Larry was told to lose forty pounds in a month. He had to prove that he could do it. He had to prove that he could stick to his diet and was willing to put in the work.

Larry joined a gym. He worked out with the help of a personal trainer and he eventually moved down to Houston. He found a nice place for himself. It was one story and so he didn’t have to worry about steps like he had to before. He has a smaller fridge now. It was probably for the best. He shouldn’t be overeating anyways. Larry’s next weigh in went a little better, but not by much. He still lost weight. He went down to five-twenty-nine. He was supposed to go down to four-sixty-six. He still lost half of his goal weight and so he was moving in the right direction. It was just taking a long time to go about it.

Larry was also still using a walker after one year. Dr. Now took that as a negative and so he wants Larry to get his act together. It was either now or never. Can Larry stop overeating long enough to fix his health problems? Who knows!

