Wicked City Recap Killer Premiere: Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot

Publish date: 2024-04-17

Wicked City Recap - Killer Premiere: Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"

Tonight on ABC  Wicked City premieres with an all new Tuesday October 27, season 1 premiere titled “Pilot.” On tonight’s episode, two detectives are assigned to track down a serial killer who preys on young women.

Wicked City is a show that’s character-driven, a true-crime procedural exploring sex, politics and popular culture in 1980s Los Angeles as two detectives hunt for a serial killing duo reminiscent of Bonnie and Clyde

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “two detectives are assigned to track down a serial killer who preys on young, naive women seeking fame in Los Angeles in the premiere of this true-crime procedural set in the early 1980s.”

This show looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s “Wicked City” Season 1 Premiere at 10 PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#WickedCity starts on the Sunset Strip in 1982. Kent drives his sporty car down the strip and looks at people. He goes into the Whiskey A Go Go where live music is playing. In the bathroom, girls snort coke except for one awkward one. One girl says she’s going home with a guy she met – a realtor. The shy girl comes out and unbuttons a button of her blouse then looks around. She can’t get backstage to see the band because the guard says she’s not their type. She walks away upset.

She goes to the bar but Kent gets served first so he buys her a drink and says he saw her backstage rejection. She says she’s not interested in partying with the band she’s working on a story for LA Notorious. He says he works in A&R and she asks if he has a card. He says he’s out then asks for her name and number and she writes it on a matchbox. She writes down Karen and he says his name is John and he promises to call her if he hears something about a gig.

Kent then calls to make a dedication on the radio to Emily F. He leaves with the other girl who thinks he’s a realtor. They drive to a makeout spot. She raises her head out of his lap and says it’s taking him a while. He rolls his eyes. The dedication comes on the radio and Kent stabs her in the back of the head right after she says “cool.” It Feels like the First Time by Foreigner plays as her life ends. The news reports that the Hillside Strangler may be in jail but another corpse was found.

Jack Roth, a detective shows up and meets Eileen who hands him his sunglasses. Paco Contreras, another detective, is there too and Jack is not happy. Eileen says the body was placed at the first location of the Hillside Strangler kill and says she thinks the killer wanted Jack’s attention since he busted the strangler. He says she was kept cold after he killed her. Then there’s a packet of Fly brand coke on her body. He slit her death after she died.

Contreras says he may have drugged and raped her but Jack says no bruising and he thinks it must have been a postmortem party. Jack tells Contreras that this girl is a victim not a career opportunity. Contreras says she’s both. Jack says he’s off the case since he’s not robbery/homicide. Contreras leaves. They recognize a military knot on the ropes that bind her feet. Kent rides up on his motorcycle. He’s cleaning up his car – lots of blood.

The doorbell rings and Mary is dropped off to Kent – she’s a young girl he’s babysitting. She says she thinks he’d be a good daddy. She draws him an elephant and he praises her. He watches the news about Jack Roth working the case and that it may be a copycat killer. He smiles just a bit. Jack is looking at missing person’s files. Contreras is there and says it’s Emily Fuentes and says she was printed when she joined ROTC and tells him about a new national database.

Jack’s boss tells him that Contreras is his new partner and Jack is annoyed. He tells Contreras that no one wants him there. Contreras says Jack used to like working for him. Jack says he knows how he works – he rats out other cops then steps on them on the way up. He says Contreras always has an angle and doesn’t trust him. He says he can’t work with someone he doesn’t trust but he tells Jack get used to it. Kent is back at another bar this time in glasses and he’s chatting with Betty Beaumont.

He quotes the Marquis de Sade and they talk about love. She thinks his name is Brent. She asks why he talked to her and he asks if she wants to get out of here. She says yeah. He picks up the tab and they go. He says he has to make a quick call. He goes to the phone and calls in a dedication request to the radio station. Betty is in Kent’s car kissing him. The dedication comes on and she smiles. She lowers her head to his lap like he likes. She asks if she’s doing something wrong.

He stares up at the knife hidden by the visor but then she gets a page on her beeper and says it’s her sitter. She says she has to go. He asks where the father is and she says he ran off when she was pregnant. Brent says his dad ran off when he was little. She asks if he likes kids. He says he loves children. They smile at each other and she kisses him. Betty survived her date with the killer! Jack goes for a run the next day up in the hills.

He looks at Griffith Observatory then he goes to see Dianne. He pours a drink and they have sex in the shower. Later, she asks why he was out running at dawn then asks if it’s Vince. He says he should have noticed what was up since Vince was his partner. He says the case is big then says since Vince killed himself he’s not sure what he wants but wants to be better. He hassles her about the pile of coke she’s got and then she asks if this is about them.

He says he didn’t come over to break up after sleeping with her then she says she knows he’s a mess. He says no one knows him better than her. His beeper goes off and she says he’s got to go. Betty’s kids are watching TV and freak out over a spider. She picks it up and says – do no harm. She takes it outside of the apartment and lets it crawl on her hand then she mushes it once it’s relaxed. She gets a call from Kent. He asks her for a date on Thursday.

The top line is going crazy and one caller talks about the dedication she heard. Contreras is running cold cases of women the right age. Jack says he’s certain it’s a serial killer and Contreras says sometimes they change their game. Contreras says they don’t know much. Jack says he’s older than Emily, possible military background, attitude towards authority, anger issues towards women, and now he cuts their heads off. Contreras says that could be anyone aside from the head cutting.

Jack says maybe they can make him come to them. He holds a press conference and says LA can relax they have the man in custody. He says the killer wants fame and he won’t get any attention and doesn’t deserve it. He says no more limelight, no more fear. He says no one cares about this killer. Kent watches the news report with interest. Kent looks at Karen’s number on the matchbook. He calls her at work. Someone is reading her article when the call comes in.

He tells her that her roommate gave her the number and says he saw she got a story published then says it was good. He asks her to come see Billy Idol and says he can get her backstage. They make plans to meet Friday. She takes her story from Diver and says this magazine might get good yet. Contreras asks Jack why he lied to the press and says he should have warned him. The tip line is blowing up. One says to look at the Wanda Phillips case unless you don’t care about me.

Contreras says she was killed in 79 and her head cut off. They head to her shabby apartment. The door is ajar and they knock then push it open. It’s vacant and a mess. Jack sees a bag on a table. They open it and it’s the severed head of a woman. Betty tells another nurse about the great new guy she met and then the other nurse leaves. Betty pulls out a patient’s stitches in the most painful way possible. Diver and Karen show up to the apartment and sneak up the fire escape to get photos.

The head belongs to the latest victim but was made up to look like Wanda Phillips. Karen throws up and Jack hears her. He yanks him into the window and pulls out his film. Karen says she’s a reporter and he says she doesn’t have the stomach for it. Karen says she saw Emily the night she was murdered – she says she saw her at the Whiskey. That stops Jack from throwing Diver around the room.

Jack talks to Karen and asks if Emily described the guy – she says he told her he worked in real estate and was hot. She says she’ll be back on Friday to meet a guy who said he’s going to get her backstage to Billy Idol. Jack says guys like this go back to the same hunting grounds. Jack asks if she’ll help. Contreras tells Jack he can’t go the Whiskey dressed like that because he looks like a cop. Contreras and Jack go to Dianne’s strip club. She’s waitressing and selling drugs.

Jack tells her it’s important and she asks what he needs. He says he’s working a murder case and shows her the brand of coke found on the body. She says she knows it and says she buys from the guy. Dianne says she can’t do it and Jack says he might remember Emily. Dianne says too many girls buy and he won’t remember her. He just asks her to ask around for him. Dianne agrees. Kent is at Betty’s place and she is upset because he doesn’t get hard when she goes down on him.

He asks her not to move. He ties one arm to her headboard then the other. He says it’s just a game. He pulls off the blanket and binds her feet. He climbs up on her and tells her to close her eyes. He tells her not to breathe. He says lie absolutely still and to not make a sound. She plays dead for him. He gets really excited then. She gasps and they’re both done. She tells him that was weird and kind of amazing. He says he likes her. She says she likes him too and he says his name is Kent not Brent.

He says she heard him wrong and she says Kent. He says they have a real connection and she says she’s never done anything like that. He says this is just the beginning. He kisses her tenderly. She smiles and says okay. He says she has no idea. He comes back with a knife and shushes her. He cuts the binds and she gasps. He tells her it’s okay and says it’s just a game. He runs the knife down her stomach and then cuts the bonds at her feet. He puts the blanket back over her and lies down with her.

He cuddles to her chest like a child and she pets his head. He dozes off on her like a child would. Jack tries on a jacket for his night at the Whiskey and his wife Allison watches him get ready. She says he looks handsome and says it reminds her of the sports coat he wore when they were first dating. He takes off his wedding ring and Allison says she hates that he takes it off when he works. He says he can’t have criminals knowing there are people he loves and says it makes him vulnerable.

His daughter Vicki says he needs to look less Saturday Night Fever and more American Gigolo and tells him to lose the pocket square. He gets a call and gives vague answers then ends the call. He tells his wife he doesn’t know when or if he’ll be home. He leaves his wife and daughter talking about making strange tacos and he drives away. He goes to see Dianne and asks why she called his house. She says it’s a VIP list from the strip and says if the killer is a bigwig, he may be on there.

He tells her he appreciates it and she says to keep it professional. Contreras says stop making eyes at your stripper GF and let’s go catch a killer. She tells him she has a drug dealer to bust and then Contreras knows he stepped in it since she’s undercover. Dianne threatens Jack not to blow her case and walks away. Kent’s closet is organized meticulously and he picks out clothes. He says he’s meeting someone else there too and says he has something to show her. He says it will be a real party.

He tells her to tell them she’s sick and says to take care of his needs. He says if she can’t come tonight, he can’t see her. He ends the call. Betty is devastated. She calls back and he doesn’t answer. He puts on his jacket and walks out. Contreras says he thinks Jack will bang her and he says mind his business. He says Angelo Buono is on the VIP list – that’s the name of the Hillside Strangler. They see that Karen’s name is below it and decide that Karen is meeting the killer.

They turn on the red lights and speed to the Whiskey. Kent makes the call to the radio station for the dedication as Billy Idol (unseen) doe Rebel Yell. Jack finds Karen at the bar and then Kent sees them. He steps out of sight and Diver tells Karen they need to get backstage. Jack tells Diver to leave and says he thinks her music guy is the killer. She looks around as White Wedding starts. She says she needs to go to the bathroom and Jack follows.

He waits outside. Karen sees girls snorting coke as usual then looks at herself fin the mirror. Jack looks around. His beeper goes off and he steps away for a moment. He goes for a phone and knocks a guy off the payphone. He tries to watch the bathroom door while dialing the number. Miller calls and says the radio station people called and said a dedication was called in for Karen. He goes running and looking for her. Jack panics and goes running around.

He busts into the ladies room then down the stairs. He asks Contreras where she is and they rush to look around. Kent runs right into Jack and says excuse me. Kent is with another girl telling her he’s an agent. He spots Betty there and smiles. He asks ifs he’s coming. He whispers in her ear. The other girl looks nervous and Betty smiles. They walk out together. He has one on each arm. He and Betty share a heated look. Then the dedication plays for Mallory K (that’s the new girl).

