Jerry Seinfeld accidentally photobombed his daughters prom photos

Publish date: 2024-04-04

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Since it’s prom and graduation season here, my Facebook feed has been filled with friends’ kids’ prom photos, and people’s memories of going to prom. If you’re curious about celebrities’ prom photos, People and Us Weekly have shared a bunch. Two weeks ago, Hecate wrote about Sasha Obama’s lovely prom photos, and we also got to see photos of Michelle and Malia that night, but not President Obama. Hecate said that this was probably because Obama was running around, congratulating all the other families on their kids. Commenter Div thought that Obama was keeping it low key and Carmen said Obama didn’t want to make the night about him. Myrtle thought that maybe the former president was the one behind the camera. (Maybe he’s planning on giving Pete Souza a run for his money?)

One father who ended up in his child’s prom photo, though probably not in the way that he intended, was Jerry Seinfeld, who accidentally photobombed a picture that his wife, Jessica, took of their daughter, Sascha, and her date, Jack.

Jessica posted the shot of the couple on Instagram, Friday, with the caption, “I could not resist posting Couple of The Year and Jerry’s Rear. #PromRound2.” Sascha wore a long, kelly-green spaghetti-strap dress, and Jack wore a black tux, white dress shirt, and a black bowtie.

The Daily Mail notes that among the comments on the photo was one from bigspoonroasters: “Comedians in Shrubbery Bending Over,” a nod to Jerry’s Netflix show, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.

Jessica also had posted a picture of Sacha and Jack Thursday, when they were headed to another prom. Sascha wore a royal blue gown, and Jack wore the same tux and bowtie, and a periwinkle-blue shirt.

I’ve lost track of the number of times that I’ve realized after the fact that there was something awkward happening in a photo. While I’m hoping that there are pictures without Jerry’s backside in them (and, even better, ones where he’s intentionally posing with Sascha and Jack), Jessica probably didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to poke fun at her husband when she realized that his backside was in the frame of the second photo. Sascha and Jack look happy, though I also detect a bit of that look people get when they’ve been holding a smile for a while, wondering when the picture is going to be taken, and when they can stop smiling. I hope that they both enjoyed the two proms!

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