Shameless Finale Recap 4/3/16: Season 6 Episode 12 Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!

Publish date: 2024-03-22

Shameless Finale Recap 4/3/16: Season 6 Episode 12 "Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!"Tonight on Showtime the uniquely twisted and highly entertaining show Shameless returns with an all new Sunday April 3, season 6 finale called “Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, season 6 ends with the arrival of Fiona’s (Emmy Rossum) wedding day. Debbie (Emma Kenney) shows up at the church with Franny, and Frank (William H. Macy) arrives uninvited and high, and reveals that Sean is still a practicing junkie.

On the last episode Frank offered to pay for Fiona’s wedding reception and then went scamming around town to raise the money. Meanwhile, Sean feared that Frank would end up hurting Fiona and confronted him on it. Their difference of opinion quickly descended into a brawl. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Showtime synopsis, “It’s wedding day and Frank shows up uninvited – and high in the season finale. Debbie tells Lip about her concern over his drinking. Ian attempts to get his job as an EMT back.”

Tonight’s Shameless season 6 finale is going to be great, and you won’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Shameless — tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the season 6 finale of Shameless.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Shameless kicks off with Frank in the backyard of the Gallagher house –his kids kicked him out again and he has been sleeping in the van. After everyone is asleep he breaks back in to the house through the vent in the kitchen. After he steals some food and beer from the kitcher,he heads upstairs and steals some money. Then, he pees in Sean’s boots and rubs his toothbrush on his butt.

Lip is passed out drunk in jail – the cops wakes him up in the holding cell in the middle of the night. Lip steps over another drunk guy, who is sleeping in his own vomit and gets led down a hallway.

Fiona wakes up to her alarm clock, which is appropriately playing “Here comes the bride.” All of the kids are still sleeping – including Debbie and the baby. They have a day full of wedding activities. First they have to pick out their wedding bands. Then, Fiona has scheduled dance classes for them, plus Sean has to pick up his son Will at the airport. He heads to the bathroom and brushes his teeth with the tooth brush Frank just had in his pants.

“V” wakes up and her bedroom is covered in condom wrappers, dildos, and lube – Kevin and Svetlana are both sleeping in bed next to her – like a great big happy family full of sexual deviants. Kevin gets out of bed and car barely walk – apparently he had a busy night.

Fiona is making breakfast in the kitchen – Carl comes down and gets out the iron board. He says that he is “doing his part” and ironing his clothes. He has plans later with Dominique’s dad Luther. Fiona gives him the safe sex talk. Debbie emerges, and informs Fiona that she doesn’t think she and Franky are coming to her wedding. She scoffs it isn’t her first wedding and won’t be her last. Sean discovers the pee in his boots, and he’s furious. He and Fiona realize that Frank tunneled in and robbed them last night. Meanwhile, Frank is at the corner store buying a grand worth of gift cards with Sean’s Visa.

Lip gets to meet with his public defender – he is going to need someone to help him set bail. He tries to call Ian, but he doesn’t pick up. Ian is busy arguing with his boyfriend Caleb about his employment status. Caleb wants him to fight them for firing him over being bipolar. Ian thinks he is just going to go back to being a janitor.

Carl shows up on Dominique’s doorstep – he shows Luther that he ironed his own shirt for school. Luther doesn’t seem too impressed. Dom heads to school with Carl, and tells her dad to pick them up after school so she can buy a dress for Fiona’s wedding – then they are all going to watch the game together. Luther isn’t thrilled.

Frank heads to the factory and finds Bruno – the guy he gave $1000 on the train to kill Sean. He says he has the rest of the money. Bruno laughs and says that he doesn’t remember Frank. He realizes he got ripped off and threatens Bruno, he tells him he messed with the wrong guy.

Deb is struggling to change a miserable baby’s dirty diaper. Fiona offers to help and take her to her doctor’s appointment – but Debbie blows her off. She begs Deb to consider coming to the wedding – but Debbie won’t give her an answer.

Ian pays his old supervisor at the janitor gig at the university a visit. Ian begs for his job back – but it is not happening. His old boss is furious that he didn’t give them any notice and just walked out.

Fiona stops by Kev and V’s house – she and V have plans to go wedding shopping. She is thoroughly creeped out by how close Svetlana, Kevin, and V have become since the last time she was over there. She suspects that something is up.

Lip gets bailed out of jail – he is shocked to see that his boss bailed him out, even after he smashed his car windows. Lip says he has to go to class, his boss laughs and tells him that he is as good as expelled – he attacked a campus security officer. He begs Lip to check in to rehab – Lip refuses because he doesn’t want to miss Fiona’s wedding.

Debbie heads to the doctor’s office for Franny’s wellness appointment. The doctor notices the bruise on Franny, Debbie confesses that she fell asleep and dropped her. The doctor lectures her about letting her family help with the baby – she is too young to be raising a newborn by herself.

Since Frank’s hitman bailed, he hits the streets with Plan B – he is trying to buy a gun with the money he stole from Sean so that he can kill him himself. Ian hits the streets too – he stops at dozens of businesses in search of a job.

Luther takes Dom an Carl shopping so she can get a dress to wear to Fiona’s wedding. While she is in the dressing room, Luther threatens Carl and warns him not to “think with his little head.” He threatens to pistol whip Carl, Dom flounces out in a backless dress and distracts her father.
Ian has run out of options – he stops by the gay bar where he used to strip and turn tricks. The bartender tells him there is a good chance he can get his job back – one of the dancers just broke their foot.

Lip is drinking at the Alibi, he insists that class was cancelled for Bulgerian Independence Day – she isn’t buying it. Kevin tries to talk to Lip and make sure that he is okay, but Lip just orders more booze. He tells Kevin that he got expelled, and warns everyone to keep it a secret until after Fiona’s wedding. Kevin tells Lip that he is keeping his father’s bar stool warm for him…

Ian heads to the ambulance station, even though he was fired. He puts on his uniform and refuses to leave. Ian tells Rita that he is not going anywhere until he gets his job back, he gives a moving speech about how hard he has worked to get there and manage his bipolar disorder. A call comes in, and Rita lets Ian get on the ambulance – it looks like he is getting his job back.

It’s time for Fiona and Sean’s big wedding day – Lip is MIA. Ian finds him in the bathroom throwing up and trying to sober up at the church. Meanwhile, Sean is giving his son Will a pep talk on being the ring bearer. Kevin checks on Fiona to see if she is ready – Debbie shows up at the last minute with the baby. Fiona thanks her for coming, Debbie insists she only came because she wants Franny to be in the wedding pictures.

Frank shows up wasted at the last minute and barges in and says that he is giving Fiona away. Lip and Ian try to take Frank out – but he fights them off and refuses to leave. Sean tells Frank that he “isn’t welcome there.” Frank begs Fiona to let him stay, he sobs that he has always accepted his kids despite their faults – but they never accept him. Frank reveals that he broke in to Sean’s office last night – he pulls out bags of heroin that he found at the diner. Fiona starts balling her eyes out, and Sean’s son Will runs out of the church. Sean chases after his son – and he doesn’t deny that he is shooting dope again. It looks like the wedding is off.

Debbie finds Lip in the chapel, she sits down with him to chat and make sure he is okay. He confesses that his life is “f—ked up right now.” She asks him if he has been drinking too much – and warns Lip that she doesn’t wat him to end up like Frank.

Sean finds Fiona sitting outside on the curb in her wedding dress crying. He tries to tell her how sorry he is – and confesses that he has been using every day for a few months now. Sean says that he has to go and talk to his ex Nichole and beg her to still let him see Will now that everyone knows he is using again. He tells Fiona to take care of herself, and then walks off with his son.

Lip calls his boss up and gets a ride to rehab – he gives him a pep talk about working the steps before he heads inside and promises that he will pick him up in 30 days. Lip is shocked when he learns that his boss footed the rehab bill for him.

