David Gandy asked about arrogant models & he says: I dont get on with Gisele

Publish date: 2024-04-04

Yesterday, I covered some excerpts from a longer David Gandy interview that I didn’t realize existed. Gandy sat down and did a pretty in-depth piece with The Mail, and I totally missed out on his comments about Gisele Bundchen and how much he dislikes her. So… hopefully, this post will earn David some points with the crowd who claims that he’s a vacuous ego monster, which I don’t think he is. I think he’s OCD, anal retentive, and probably neurotic as all get-out. That’s not egotistical, but it is monstrous in a completely different way – as in, I bet he’s a handful as a boyfriend. Anyway, you can read the full Daily Mail interview here, but here are some of the funny I-Hate-Gisele parts:

David doesn’t do gratuitous sex with gorgeous girls: ‘I’ve only had three serious relationships.”

David is asked whether he’s seen “that supermodel vacuum of narcissism, arrogance, mobile phone throwing and absolute superiority over the rest of the less attractive human race”: He raises an eyebrow. ‘You see it. I don’t get on with Gisele. We don’t see eye to eye, we argue and we don’t enjoy working with each other (they have shot three campaigns together). Like I say, we are very privileged but what we do isn’t saving lives, it isn’t brain surgery. And I’m not going to get on with anyone who takes it for granted or thinks they’re someone special. My advice to any young model is very simple. Just don’t believe your own hype.’

On David Beckham as a model: ‘I wish him, Jude Law and Brad Pitt would stick to the day jobs. It’s hard enough for male models as it is, so give us a chance, boys. Butt out.’ He grins. ‘I have to admit, though, Beckham is good. I’m a fan of Brand Beckham. He’s done incredibly well.’

His personal life: He says he is not vain, just businesslike. He spends 45 minutes a day training, eats anything but saturated fats and white processed food and – being known for being macho – doesn’t have to worry too much about messing up his face. His hobbies are all a bit James Bond: cars, watches (he has an old Omega and a TAG Monaco as worn by Steve McQueen and a Seventies Breitling) and antique furniture, which he turns into modern pieces. ‘I collect huge French clocks and old carpenters’ consoles which I turn into tables.’

His friends: In the modeling world, his friends include Yasmin Le Bon and Helena Christensen. He also appeared in an Absolutely Fabulous Sports Relief special with Stella McCartney and Kate Moss. ‘Stella stood out for me as someone I really admire. She works hard, she’s down to earth and doesn’t take herself seriously. And Kate was great. She’s funny and she’s one hell of a model.’

[From The Mail]

I wanted to put the context of the Gisele comment in there, because I think if you know what David said in context, he sounds like an even bigger bitch. And I say that with a laugh, because I love him. I love when men let their inner bitches out and start bad-mouthing their coworkers. And what David is saying is so interesting – yes, he’s confirming that he and Gisele don’t get along, but within the context of the conversation, he’s basically saying that they don’t get along because she’s an egotistical monster who thinks modeling is the most important thing in the world. I love him.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
